Creative Hub is an e-learning platform, which includes a comprehensive database of educational resources as well as online courses in the field of audio-visual and creative industry. With the support of the knowledge database and the in-depth learning process provided by the courses, any learner has a great stepping stone to upskilling.

You can go to the learning platform, or watch a video tutorial series for all the courses by clicking on one of the buttons below:


We have a full video tutorial series on each subject.
You can watch all of the tutorials here:

About Us

The project is Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

The project includes a total of six Intellectual Outputs cross-cutting the fields of culture, technical skills and education.

The project activities include the elaboration of intellectual outputs, which will be managed and disseminated accordingly.

Upon the implementation of all intellectual outputs, the dissemination events and the trainings, the expected results are:

Project Participants

The partnership is consisted of a total of seven partners from a total of five EU countries.

The project participants are selected among other organisations across Europe, based on their cultural, innovative and educational background.


Event Production


Event Production Ltd. is a company, registered in 2007. It has a long history of providing training and services
in the field of audio-video and live performance.

National Palace of Culture


The National Palace of Culture is established in 1981 and has been the biggest cultural and conference center in the South-East Europe. 

Level H


Level H is a company for transfer of international experience and practices in the human resources management and human capital investments.

Innovation Frontiers


Innovation Frontiers IKE is an innovative educational technology & research company whose main target is to develop
new educational approaches through working in close cooperation with educational institutions

Asociatia Scoala Inovatiei


Its main purpose is to promote, support, develop and use efficiently the human talent and capital to improve living conditions
through the development of society.

Culture Hub Croatia


Culture Hub Croatia (CHC) is using education, culture and creativity for development of local Croatian communities through transmission of knowledge and European expertise and through promotion of art practices.

Association for Arts and Audio-Visual Production KODA MODRO


Association for Arts and Audio-Visual Production KODA MODRO founded in Maribor, Slovenia is a platform for connecting artists, film makers and audio-visual contents creators on the international scale.

The project is Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Contact Information

Event Production – Project Coordinator

Project Office

National Palace of Culture, Entrance A4, floor 6

1, Bulgaria, sq., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

tel: 00359 899 90 85 51


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